Crystal Bed
Union of therapies, such as chromotherapy, sound healing, vibration, crystal therapy and frequency generator. It helps improve sleep quality, helps reduce stress and anxiety, relieves body pain, promotes energetic alignment and stimulates the brain to produce neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, hormones that are linked to well-being. It helps break patterns, helping to resignify feelings.
Relaxing and energizing massage with specific oils. Increases circulation, stimulates the lymphatic system, great for joints, calms the nervous system and improves skin tone.
Reconnecting your Divine Light
With each meeting we create the habit of internal reconnection and experience balance between mind, body and soul.
What we will do in the session:
* Proper breathing
* Connection with the subject that will be worked on that day
* Energy healing with the angel Melchin and the Ascended Masters
* Guided meditation (approx. 15 min)
* Spiritual Guides Oracle with message
Tarot Reading
from Angels
It is a spiritual practice that involves using Tarot cards to access guidance and insights into key aspects of life at the moment, offering perspectives and advice guided by angels and ascended masters. The intention is to help you better understand your situation, so that you can make your decisions more clearly.
Channeling with
The angels
Accessing spiritual realms and others dimensions through an angelic channel, we ask for protection and permission to communicate with Angel Melchin, Ascended Masters and Loved Ones. The intention is to bring more lightness and harmony to our lives and everyone around us.
Ayurveda and Aromatherapy service with galvanic skin reading
For Ayurveda we feed on everything that comes into contact with our senses. Food is life, it nourishes the body, mind and soul if used correctly. Let's understand what is suitable for your process at this time.
Here are the main points from our first session:
* Galvanic skin reading
* Nutritional guidance according to your body type
* Anti-ama detox (anti-toxins)
* Aromatherapy
* Dinacharya (daily routine)